Wednesday, June 11, 2008

4 Year Anniversary!

Well, I'm a little late in writing about our anniversary. It was actually last Thursday, June 5th, but I still wanted everyone to see the fun stuff we did.

We had a great, relaxing anniversary - We camped in Montauk State Park (here in Missouri) and went canoeing on the Current River. Our "real" anniversary trip will be in August when we return to Glacier National Park in Montana, where we went on our honeymoon. Joel and I really fell in love with this area when we were there four years ago. While we are there we are going to be hiking and camping in the "back country". We are super excited about returning but we needed to wait until August so that all of the areas would be snow-free.

We canoed from Akers Ferry to Pulltite which is a 12 mile trip, we took our time and spent a lot of time playing with the fish on the river. For our anniversary Joel bought an amazing underwater case for my camera he got me for graduation. We took a lot of pictures of fish using the camera, goggles and snorkel. Towards the end of the day we saw the most exciting sight of the trip - 20 Paddlefish. They averaged about 4 feet long and the biggest one probably weighed 25 lbs. Unfortunately they were in pretty deep water, so our pictures aren't great. This probably won't be as exciting for most of you as it was for us, but it has been years since they have come up the river and this was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity for us.

Here's a better picture of a Orange-throated Darter in his spawning colors.

Alright, enough boring fish stuff. Thanks for all the great anniversary wishes!



Janelle and Ella said...

Yea! Happy Anniversary!! I'm sad that I forgot to text you on June 5th. I had it on my both of my calendars. I'm so glad you had a GREAT anniversary! I can NOT believe it's been 5 years. How quickly the time is going! That is wonderful that you guys get to return to Montana in August!

David and Sherry said...

I would have expected nothing less than fish stories and pictures and it was fun to see. Congratulations again on your "4th" anniversary!!! We love you both and your sense of adventure.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you have a blog too now! Actually, I think your ability to take photographs of fish is pretty exciting. I love the colors in that last photo.